
Coffee Hacks To Make Your Mornings Easier
If you are a person who loves to drink coffee, you likely cannot go a day without it. A morning without your coffee is the equivalent of forgetting to wear pants to the office on the day of a very important meeting, let alone any day at all. With that said, it’s always nice to know a few tips and tricks to making your favorite beverage quickly and effectively.
Make coffee cubes.
If you are someone who likes their coffee iced, do yourself a favor and make some coffee cubes. Using regular ice cubes in your coffee waters it down, make it much less appetizing. Coffee cubes will allow for your morning beverage to keep tasting good well into your morning.
Make an espresso shot with your french press.
On those mornings when getting out of bed seems next to impossible, whip up an espresso shot in your french press. It’s very simple! Just grind you coffee beans as finely as you can, put the grounds in the french press and pour the hot water in so that it is just covering them. Press after two minutes and there you go! A quick and easy espresso shot.
Use your blender for cold blends.
If you have forgotten to make your coffee cubes, you can always try making a cold blend in the morning to really wake you up. Simply combine your morning coffee (after it has cooled) with ice cubes in your blender and you have refreshing morning beverage.
Sweeten with vanilla if anything.
We don’t think there is any reason at all for you to add anything to a good cup of coffee, but in the case that you want to make your morning brew a bit sweeter, skip the sugar. Instead, add a tiny splash of vanilla extract to your cup. If you need an extra bit of kick, try a tiny bit of cinnamon as well.
Testing your beans
If you want to make sure that the beans you are using are still fresh, there is a very simple way to do so. Put half a cup of beans into a ziplock bag and let it sit out overnight. If the bag puffs up overnight, this means that they are release carbon dioxide and are still fresh. On the other hand, if the bag stays flat, your beans are no longer going to render a good cup of coffee.
Have a grapefruit for breakfast.
You may not be aware but the compounds that are present in grapefruit will help to keep the caffeine in your body working harder for longer. If you need your energy to last throughout the day, opt for a grapefruit rather than your regular toast or muffin.
Buy King’s Koffee
Your morning will become immediately better if you start it with King’s Koffee. We don’t mean to brag, but our single origin coffee is simply the best. Shop our limited supply right now and get the quality of coffee you deserve before it is all gone.