
Why Buy Coffee Online?
Here at King’s Koffee, our goal is to provide our customers with a wide selection of the best coffee beans online. Located in Allen, Texas, we are a micro-roaster who specializes in fair trade, organic coffee. We love what we do and there’s nothing more exciting than sharing our coffee with the world. But why buy coffee from us? What is it that sets us apart? Well, for starters, the fact that we are a micro-roaster.
What is the benefit of working with a micro-roaster, you ask? It’s similar to the benefits you might enjoy when purchasing beer from a microbrewery. For one, not only do you know exactly where your coffee is coming from, but you know that every step of the process was done with love and respect for the craft. You can also rest assured that you won’t find any chemicals or ingredients that don’t make sense to be in your coffee like you might with some of the bigger brand names you might find in the grocery store.
Trust the Coffee You Drink
One of the things that we take a lot of pride in is that we love working with the little guys. In other words, we believe that small businesses are important in our country and we purchase from other small businesses in order to provide our customers with something that is truly unique. Our coffees are all single origin coffees that are roasted in small lots.
Whereas the grocery store coffee brands purchase millions of pounds of beans all at once, we buy in much smaller quantities. In many cases, these smaller quantities are the result of experimentation in order to impart the beans with more unique flavors and interesting characteristics.
When You Buy Coffee From King’s, You Only Get the Best
The thing about King’s Koffee is that our coffee rules. It’s really as simple as that, and now that we’ve established what separates us from the rest, let’s take a look at a few of the coffees we offer.
Blacksmith Blend
Hailing from Sumatra, the Blacksmith Blend is defined by its heavy body and rustic tobacco overtones. Often referred to as a Black and Tan (no, not the same as when you mix a Guinness and a pale ale), half of the beans are roasted dark and the other half are roasted light. The end result is a delicious combination of the two that we think you will get a huge kick out of.
Henry’s Reserve
Henry’s Reserve is an organic Tennessee whiskey smoked coffee that comes from Aceh, located in Northern Sumatra. What imparts the whiskey flavor? King’s Koffee not only roasts this coffee, but we also smoke it over a bed of Tennessee whiskey barrel aged wood to provide it with the smokey flavor and floral notes often associated with a good whiskey. It’s deep, smooth, and most of all, it’s delicious. This is the coffee to buy if you’re looking for something a little bit out of the ordinary.
Regla 5
Our organic Mexican Chiapas is a medium roast coffee that combines body and flavor perfectly into one delicious beverage. If you’re looking for a balanced flavor with very little oil, but a delicious smell, look no further than the Regla 5. Coffee drinkers everywhere will agree the this is one of the best medium roast coffees that they’ve had the fortune of consuming.
How Should You Drink Our Organic Coffee?
“Wait a second--there is a certain way to drink coffee?” Feel free to take a look at our rules. We love the taste of black coffee, but we know that some of you may not. Either way, learn about what we think makes the best cup of coffee around. Of course you can make your coffee any way you please in order to get the most out of your cup of joe.
Prefer to enjoy it in a traditional drip brewer? Go to town! Are you a fan of the French press? So are we! Maybe you love your Kalita, your Clever Dripper, or your Chemex. Those are all wonderful too! Whether you prefer your coffee black or with some cream and sugar, hot as the sun on a cloudless day or cooled down with ice in order to beat the heat, or any combination of those things, we’d invite you to give King’s Koffee a try.
Order Coffee Beans Online
There’s no reason not to buy our coffee online, so get to know us a bit better and see what we’re all about. Of course you can also reach out to us if you have any questions about our coffee, the roasting process, or anything else! Our goal is to make sure that you’re as satisfied with our organic coffee as a person can be, so place your order today, knowing that you’ll be receiving the best that we have to offer!